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This Week in HTML 5 – Episode 19

by Mark Pilgrim, Google in Weekly Review

Welcome back to "This Week in HTML 5," where I'll try to summarize the major activity in the ongoing standards process in the WHATWG and W3C HTML Working Group. Despite it being almost February already, this episode will focus on changes and discussion from the week of January 19th. Normal weekly updates will resume on Monday.

There are 3 pieces of big news for the week of January 19th. Big news #1: r2692, a major revamp of the way application caches are defined. Application caches are the heart of the offline web model which can be used to allow script-heavy web applications like Gmail to work even after you disconnect from the internet. Here is the new definition of how application caches work:

Each application cache has a completeness flag, which is either complete or incomplete.

An application cache group is a group of application caches, identified by the absolute URL of a resource manifest which is used to populate the caches in the group.

An application cache is newer than another if it was created after the other (in other words, application caches in an application cache group have a chronological order).

Only the newest application cache in an application cache group can have its completeness flag set to incomplete, the others are always all complete.

Each application cache group has an update status, which is one of the following: idle, checking, downloading.

A relevant application cache is an application cache that is the newest in its group to be complete.

Each application cache group has a list of pending master entries. Each entry in this list consists of a resource and a corresponding Document object. It is used during the update process to ensure that new master entries are cached.

An application cache group can be marked as obsolete, meaning that it must be ignored when looking at what application cache groups exist.

A Document initially is not associated with an application cache, but steps in the parser and in the navigation sections cause cache selection to occur early in the page load process.

Multiple application caches in different application cache groups can contain the same resource, e.g. if the manifests all reference that resource.

The end result of this major work is actually pretty similar to how application caches worked before, but there were some edge cases (such as handling 404 errors when fetching the application manifest) which are now handled in a sane fashion. It also paved the way for r2693, which makes it possible for application caches to become "obsolete" (meaning they must be ignored when deciding which caches exist).

Big news #2: r2684, which redefines the on* attributes in a way that doesn't suck quite as much. Also, it defines the widely used (but poorly understood) onerror attribute in a way that matches what browsers actually do with it. Here is the meat of it:

All event handler attributes on an element, whether set to null or to a Function object, must be registered as event listeners on the element, as if the addEventListenerNS() method on the Element object's EventTarget interface had been invoked when the event handler attribute's element or object was created, with the event type (type argument) equal to the type described for the event handler attribute in the list above, the namespace (namespaceURI argument) set to null, the listener set to be a target and bubbling phase listener (useCapture argument set to false), the event group set to the default group (evtGroup argument set to null), and the event listener itself (listener argument) set to do nothing while the event handler attribute's value is not a Function object, and set to invoke the call() callback of the Function object associated with the event handler attribute otherwise.

The listener argument is emphatically not the event handler attribute itself.

When an event handler attribute's Function objectw is invoked, its call() callback must be invoked with one argument, set to the Event object of the event in question.

The handler's return value must then be processed as follows:

If the event type is mouseover

If the return value is a boolean with the value true, then the event must be canceled.

If the event object is a BeforeUnloadEvent object

If the return value is a string, and the event object's returnValue attribute's value is the empty string, then set the returnValue attribute's value to the return value.


If the return value is a boolean with the value false, then the event must be canceled.

The Function interface represents a function in the scripting language being used. It is represented in IDL as follows:

[Callback=FunctionOnly, NoInterfaceObject]
interface Function {
any call([Variadic] in any arguments);

The call(...) method is the object's callback.

In JavaScript, any Function object implements this interface.

Big news #3: r2685 and r2686 defines a whole slew of important events that are fired on the Window object, including onbeforeunload, onerror, and onload. Previously, some of these were defined on the <body> element, which didn't actually match current browser behavior.

The following are the event handler attributes that must be supported by Window objects, as DOM attributes on the Window object, and with corresponding content attributes and DOM attributes exposed on the body element:


Must be invoked whenever a beforeunload event is targeted at or bubbles through the element or object.


Must be invoked whenever an error event is targeted at or bubbles through the object.

Unlike other event handler attributes, the onerror event handler attribute can have any value. The initial value of onerror must be undefined.

The onerror handler is also used for reporting script errors.


Must be invoked whenever a hashchange event is targeted at or bubbles through the object.


Must be invoked whenever a load event is targeted at or bubbles through the object.


Must be invoked whenever a message event is targeted at or bubbles through the object.


Must be invoked whenever a offline event is targeted at or bubbles through the object.


Must be invoked whenever a online event is targeted at or bubbles through the object.


Must be invoked whenever a resize event is targeted at or bubbles through the object.


Must be invoked whenever a storage event is targeted at or bubbles through the object.


Must be invoked whenever an unload event is targeted at or bubbles through the object.

Other interesting tidbits from the week of January 19th:

Tune in next week for another exciting episode of "This Week in HTML 5."

3 Responses to “This Week in HTML 5 – Episode 19”

  1. You may saying “exciting” sarcastically, but to me, this is a very interesting peek into how specs are written. Thanks for these updates and keep it up!

  2. Thats great to see ononline and onoffline finally made official and not just MS!