Archive for the ‘Browsers’ Category
Wednesday, March 18th, 2009
We have previously talked about how to get Internet Explorer to play ball when using the new HTML5 elements, but today I'm going to talk about Firefox 2.
Firefox 2 (or any other Gecko-based browser with a Gecko version pre 1.9b5) has a parsing bug where it will close an unknown element when it sees the start tag of a "block" element like p
, h1
, div
, and so forth. So if you have:
...then in Firefox 2 it will be parsed as if it were:
So if you style the new elements with CSS it will probably look completely broken in Firefox 2.
If you care about Firefox 2 then there are some ways to fix this:
- Go back to using
- Use content type negotiation between
and application/xhtml+xml
- Fix up the DOM with scripting
(1) is probably wise if your content structure changes between pages or over time. (2) also works but means that users will be exposed to the Yellow Screen of Death should a markup error slip through your system. Otherwise (3) can be worth to consider.
Fixing up Firefox 2's DOM is actually pretty simple if you have a consistent structure. Using the same markup as above it could look something like this:
<!--[if !IE]>--><script>
// dom fixup for gecko pre 1.9b5
var n = document.getElementsByTagName('header')[0];
if (n.childNodes.length <= 1) { // the element was closed early
var tags = ['ARTICLE', 'NAV', 'FOOTER', 'SCRIPT'];
for (var i = 0; i < tags.length; ++i) {
while (n.nextSibling && n.nextSibling.nodeName != tags[i]) {
n = n.nextSibling;
You might think that this script would work for IE, too, when not using the createElement hack, but apparently IE throws an exception when trying to append a child to an unknown element. So you still have to use the createElement hack for IE.
If you want to move the script to head
and run it on load and you don't have anything after the footer then you would replace 'SCRIPT'
in the tags
array with undefined
to make it work.
(If you want to do content type negotiation and want to just serve XHTML to Gecko-based browsers with this bug then you should look for the substrings "Gecko/" and "rv:1.x" where x is less than 9, or "rv:1.9pre" or "rv:1.9a" or "rv:1.9bx" where x is less than 5.)
Posted in Browsers, DOM, Elements | 17 Comments »
Saturday, January 17th, 2009
The previous post discussed how to enable styling of the new HTML5 elements in IE by using a simple script. However, if the user has scripting disabled, the layout would probably fall apart badly.
So that means if you care about IE users with scripting disabled, you can't use the new elements, right?
Not necessarily.
There are some tricks to work around the broken DOM and limited styling in IE:
- Know what the DOM looks like and target other elements than the new elements for styling.
- Use the universal selector (
) to target the right element.
- Use
What does this mean?
Target other elements for styling
Consider you have the following markup:
Instead of doing this:
* { margin:0; padding:0 }
body { background:silver }
article { border:solid; background:white; margin-left:10em }
nav { position:absolute; top:0; left:0; width:10em } this:
* { margin:0; padding:0 }
html { background:silver }
body { border:solid; background:white; margin-left:10em }
ul { position:absolute; top:0; left:0; width:10em }
Now of course you're going to use other ul
elements than the navigation, so how do we get more specific on which element to target? The obvious solution is to set a class or id on the ul
element, but there's another solution which might be more convenient in some cases, which brings me to...
Using the universal selector
Depending on the situation, and whether you care about IE6 or not, you can use the universal selector to target the element you want.
Consider you have the following markup:
...and you want to style the p
that is in header
, you would do this in the normal case:
article header p { font-weight:bold }
But in IE, the article
, header
, h1
and p
elements are all siblings, so the selector wouldn't match.
So then one would expect this to match, but it doesn't (IE doesn't allow selecting unknown elements using type selectors):
article + header + h1 + p { font-weight:bold }
However, this matches:
body > * + * + h1 + p { font-weight:bold }
Using noscript
The above techniques shouldn't mess up other browsers (or IE when scripting is enabled), however if you prefer (or if something would screw up) you can use a separate style sheet for IE when scripting is disabled by just using the following markup:
<!--[if IE]>
<noscript><link rel="stylesheet" href="ie-noscript.css"></noscript>
The above techniques might not be very scalable or might well impact maintanence, but the point of this article is to show that it is possible to use the new elements while still supporting IE with scripting disabled.
Posted in Browsers, DOM, Elements | 11 Comments »
Wednesday, January 7th, 2009
Internet Explorer poses a small challenge when it comes to making use of the new elements introduced in HTML5. Among others, these include elements like section
, article
, header
and footer
. The problem is that due to the way parsing works in IE, these elements are not recognised properly and result in an anomalous DOM representation.
To illustrate, consider this simple document fragment:
<p>This is an example</p>
Strangely, IE 6, 7 and 8 all fail to parse the section
element properly and the resulting DOM looks like this.
: This is an example
Notice how IE actually creates 2 empty elements. One named SECTION
and the other named /SECTION
. Yes, it really is parsing the end tag as a start tag for an unknown empty element.
There is a handy workaround available to address this problem, which was first revealed in a comment by Sjoerd Visscher.
The basic concept is that by using document.createElement(tagName)
to create each of the unknown elements, the parser in IE then recognises those elements and parses them in a more reasonable and useful way. e.g. By using the following script:
The resulting DOM for the fragment given above looks like this:
: This is an example
This same technique works for all unknown elements in IE 6, 7 and 8. Note that there is a known bug that prevented this from working in IE 8 beta 2, but this has since been resolved in the latest non-public technical preview.
For convenience, Remy Sharp has written and published a simple script that provides this enhancement for all new elements in the current draft of HTML5, which you can download and use.
This script is not needed for other browsers. Opera 9, Firefox 3 and Safari 3 all parse unknown elements in a more reasonable way by default. Note, however, that Firefox 2 does suffer from some related problems, for which there is unfortunately no known solution; but it is hoped that given the faster upgrade cycle for users of Firefox, relatively speaking compared with IE, Firefox 2 won't pose too much of a problem in the future.
Posted in Browsers, DOM, Elements, Events, Syntax | 25 Comments »
Friday, September 26th, 2008
I gave a talk at Google on Monday demonstrating the various features of HTML5 that are implemented in browsers today. The video is now on YouTube, so now you too can watch and laugh at my lame presentation skills!
The segments of this talk are as follows. Some of the demos are available online for you to play with and are linked to from the following list:
- Introduction
- Drag and Drop API (29:05)
- Form Controls (40:50)
- Validation (1:07:20)
- Questions and Answers (1:09:35)
If you're very interested in watching my typos, the high quality version of the video on the YouTube site is clear enough to see the text being typed. More details about the demos can be found on the corresponding demo page.
Posted in Browser API, Browsers, Conformance Checking, DOM, Elements, Events, Forms, Multimedia, Syntax, WHATWG | 7 Comments »
Sunday, January 13th, 2008
This is a Polish translation of this article: Why the Alt Attribute May Be Omitted.
Prace prowadzone ostatnio nad specyfikacj? atrybutu alt
maj? na celu gruntown? popraw? jego definicji, dok?adne wyja?nienie sposobów tworzenia poprawnego tekstu zast?pczego oraz jasne sprecyzowanie wymaga? autorskie.
Wymagania te okre?laj? sytuacje, w których konieczne jest u?ycie tekstu zast?pczego, zastosowanie pustego atrybutu alt
oraz, co najbardziej zaskakuj?ce, kiedy atrybut alt
mo?na ca?kowicie pomin??. Jest to kwestia kontrowersyjna, poniewa? na pierwszy rzut oka wygl?da to na prób? zach?cania do z?ego i sprzecznego z zasadami dost?pno?ci zwyczaju pomijania atrybutu alt
, co wydaje si? by? kolejnym policzkiem dla dost?pno?ci w sieci. Jest to niew?a?ciwe rozumowanie, które nale?y przeanalizowa? ze szczególn? uwag? tak, aby rozwia? wszelkie w?tpliwo?ci, jakie mog? powsta?. Cho? taka sytuacja wydawa? si? mo?e uwstecznieniem jest to w rzeczywisto?ci bardzo pozytywny zabieg.
W wielu sytuacjach tekst zast?pczy jest po prostu niedost?pny i nic nie mo?na na to poradzi?. Przyk?adowo, wi?kszo?? u?ytków serwisów wymiany zdj?? takich jak Flickr nie mia?oby poj?cia jak, ani dlaczego, nale?y do??czy? tekst zast?pczy, nawet gdyby Flickr dawa? im tak? mo?liwo??. Chocia? wszyscy s? zgodni co do tego, ?e wspaniale by?oby gdyby wszyscy u?ytkownicy stosowali tekst zast?pczy (specyfikacja wyra?nie to zaleca), to wi?kszo?? z nich po prostu tego nie zrobi.
Nale?y zastanowi? si? nad problemem co zrobi? w sytuacji kiedy tekst alt
jest niedost?pny i nie ma tak naprawd? sposobu ?eby go wstawi?. Przy obecnych wymaganiach stosowania atrybutu alt
w HTML4 zaobserwowa? mo?na próby spe?nienia tego wymagania przez systemy, które podejmuj? prób? utworzenia tekstu zast?pczego w oparciu o metadane obrazu.
Flickr na przyk?ad powtarza tytu? obrazu; Photobucket najwyra?niej ??czy ze sob? nazw? pliku, jego tytu? i nazw? autora; z kolei Wikpedia niepotrzebnie powtarza podpis pod obrazem. Problemem wynikaj?cym z takiego podej?cia jest to, ?e stosowanie takich warto?ci nie dostarcza ani dodatkowych ani u?ytecznych informacji dotycz?cych obrazu, co w niektórych przypadkach jest gorsze ni? ca?kowity brak tekstu zast?pczego.
Korzy?ci? p?yn?c? z wymogu opuszczenia atrybutu alt
zamiast pozostawienia po prostu pustej warto?ci jest jasne rozró?nienie pomi?dzy obrazem, który nie posiada tekstu zast?pczego (jak np. reprezentacja otaczaj?cego tekstu w postaci grafiki lub ikony) a obrazem b?d?cym kluczowym elementem zawarto?ci, dla którego tekst zast?pczy nie jest dost?pny. Podobno Lynx i Opera stosuj? ju? takie rozró?nienie. Przy obrazach bez atrybutu alt
Lynx wy?wietla nazw? pliku a Opera pokazuje napis "Obraz", jednak ?adne z nich nie wy?wietla niczego przy obrazach z pustym atrybutem alt
. Wci?? niewiadomo do ko?ca czy takie rozró?nienie jest naprawd? u?yteczne oraz czy przegl?darki mog? realistycznie je stosowa?. Kwestia ta jest otwarta do dyskusji je?eli tylko kto? dysponuje argumentami.
Sugeruje si? te?, ?e zrezygnowanie z bezwarunkowej konieczno?ci stosowania atrybutu alt
wp?ynie na zdolno?? walidatorów do powiadamiania autorów o b??dach i odbierze nam narz?dzie pomocne w promowaniu dost?pno?ci. Jednak wykorzystywanie komunikatów o b??dach walidacji jako narz?dzia o?wiatowego nie jest ani jedynym ani najlepszym rozwi?zaniem problemu.
O ile autorzy lubi? wiedzie? kiedy przypadkowo pomin?li atrybut alt,
to bezwarunkowe wymuszanie u?ycia tego atrybutu przy wykorzystaniu tak prymitywnego narz?dzia jakim jest walidator daje dok?adnie przeciwne wynik, poniewa? zach?ca do korzystania z generowanych automatycznie tekstów kiepskiej jako?ci. Zreszt? nic nie powstrzyma narz?dzi autorskich i sprawdzaj?cych zgodno?? ze standardami przed powiadomieniem autorów je?li b?d? sobie tego ?yczy?.
Przyznaj?c, ?e nie da si? zmusi? ka?dego do stosowania tekstu zast?pczego i czyni?c atrybut alt opcjonalnym w standardach dokumentu nie traci si? ?adnych praktycznych korzy?ci p?yn?cych z dost?pno?ci. Nikt nie twierdzi, ?e zgodno?? z HTML5 jest tym samym co zgodno?? ze wymogami dost?pno?ci. Wiele rzeczy uwa?a si? za spe?niaj?ce techniczne wymogi HTML, a jednak ich niew?a?ciwe stosowanie czyni je niedost?pnymi. Uczynienie atrybutu alt opcjonalnym nie jest sprzeczne z wymogami dost?pno?ci ani nie ma wielkiego wp?ywu na ich propagowanie. Opisuj? tu tylko rzeczywisto?? maj?c przy tym nadziej? na zmniejszenie powszechno?ci automatycznie generowanego tekstu alt kiepskiej jako?ci.
Posted in Browsers, Elements, Processing Model | 1 Comment »