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Wednesday, January 7th, 2009
Internet Explorer poses a small challenge when it comes to making use of the new elements introduced in HTML5. Among others, these include elements like section
, article
, header
and footer
. The problem is that due to the way parsing works in IE, these elements are not recognised properly and result in an anomalous DOM representation.
To illustrate, consider this simple document fragment:
<p>This is an example</p>
Strangely, IE 6, 7 and 8 all fail to parse the section
element properly and the resulting DOM looks like this.
: This is an example
Notice how IE actually creates 2 empty elements. One named SECTION
and the other named /SECTION
. Yes, it really is parsing the end tag as a start tag for an unknown empty element.
There is a handy workaround available to address this problem, which was first revealed in a comment by Sjoerd Visscher.
The basic concept is that by using document.createElement(tagName)
to create each of the unknown elements, the parser in IE then recognises those elements and parses them in a more reasonable and useful way. e.g. By using the following script:
The resulting DOM for the fragment given above looks like this:
: This is an example
This same technique works for all unknown elements in IE 6, 7 and 8. Note that there is a known bug that prevented this from working in IE 8 beta 2, but this has since been resolved in the latest non-public technical preview.
For convenience, Remy Sharp has written and published a simple script that provides this enhancement for all new elements in the current draft of HTML5, which you can download and use.
This script is not needed for other browsers. Opera 9, Firefox 3 and Safari 3 all parse unknown elements in a more reasonable way by default. Note, however, that Firefox 2 does suffer from some related problems, for which there is unfortunately no known solution; but it is hoped that given the faster upgrade cycle for users of Firefox, relatively speaking compared with IE, Firefox 2 won't pose too much of a problem in the future.
Posted in Browsers, DOM, Elements, Events, Syntax | 25 Comments »
Wednesday, July 2nd, 2008
Boagworld is a web design and development podcast based in the UK. In today's episode, they interview me about HTML5. In it, we discuss the current state of HTML5, some of the new features that are currently, or are being implemented, and what we can expect in the future.
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Wednesday, April 23rd, 2008
One of the newly introduced features in HTML 5 is the ability to mark up reverse ordered lists. These are the same as ordered lists, but instead of counting up from 1, they instead count down towards 1. This can be used, for example, to count down the top 10 movies, music, or LOLCats, or anything else you want to present as a countdown list.
In previous versions of HTML, the only way to achieve this was to place a value
attribute on each li
element, with successively decreasing values.
<h3>Top 5 TV Series</h3>
<li value="5">Friends
<li value="4">24
<li value="3">The Simpsons
<li value="2">Stargate Atlantis
<li value="1">Stargate SG-1
The problem with that approach is that manually specifying each value can be time consuming to write and maintain, and the value
attribute was not allowed in the HTML 4.01 or XHTML 1.0 Strict DOCTYPEs (although HTML 5 fixes that problem and allows the value
The new markup is very simple: just add a reversed
attribute to the ol
element, and optionally provide a start
value. If there’s no start value provided, the browser will count the number of list items, and count down from that number to 1.
<h3>Greatest Movies Sagas of All Time</h3>
<ol reversed>
<li>Police Academy (Series)
<li>Harry Potter (Series)
<li>Back to the Future (Trilogy)
<li>Star Wars (Saga)
<li>The Lord of the Rings (Trilogy)
Since there are 5 list items in that list, the list will count down from 5 to 1.
The reversed
attribute is a boolean attribute. In HTML, the value may be omitted, but in XHTML, it needs to be written as: reversed="reversed"
The start
attribute can be used to specify the starting number for the countdown, or the value
attribute can be used on an li
element. Subsequent list items will, by default, be numbered with the value of 1 less than the previous item.
The following example starts counting down from 100, but omits a few items from the middle of the list and resumes from 3.
<h3>Top 100 Logical Fallacies Used By Creationists</h3>
<ol reversed="reversed" start="100">
<li>False Dichotomy</li>
<li>Appeal to Ridicule</li>
<li>Begging the Question (Circular Logic)</li>
<!-- Items omitted here -->
<li value="3">Strawman</li>
<li>Bare Assertion Fallacy</li>
<li>Argumentum ad Ignorantiam</li>
Posted in Elements, Syntax | 26 Comments »
Thursday, August 23rd, 2007
The specification
of the alt
attribute was recently worked on to thoroughly
improve its definition, including an in depth explanation of how to provide
appropriate alternate text, with clear authoring requirements.
The requirements describe situations where alternate text must be provided,
where an empty alt
attribute must be used and, most controversially,
where the alt
attribute may be omitted entirely. This
is controversial because at first glance, it seems like an attempt to endorse
the bad and inaccessible practice of omitting the alt
and thus yet another slap in the face for accessibility. That is an unfortunate
misconception that needs to be carefully examined to settle any concerns people
have. Although it may seem backwards, the situation is actually much more
There are many observed cases where alternate text is simply unavailable and
there’s little that can be done about it. For example, most users of photo
sharing sites like Flickr wouldn’t have a
clue how or why to provide alternate text, even if Flickr provided the ability.
While everyone agrees that it would be wonderful if all users did – indeed,
the spec strongly encourages that – most users simply won’t.
The problem being addressed is what should be done in those cases where no alt
has been provided and is virtually impossible to acquire. With the current
requirement for including the alt
attribute in HTML4, it has been
observed that many systems will attempt to fulfil the requirement by generating
alternate text from the images metadata.
Flickr, for example, repeats the images title; Photobucket appears
to combine the image’s filename, title and the author’s username; and Wikipedia
redundantly repeats the image caption. The problem with these approaches is
that using such values does not provide any additional or useful information about
the image and, in some cases, this is worse than providing no alternate text
at all.
The benefit of requiring the alt
attribute to be omitted, rather
than simply requiring the empty value, is that it makes a clear distinction
between an image that has no alternate text (such as an iconic or graphical
representation of the surrounding text) and an image that is a critical part
of the content, but for which not alt
text is available. It has
been claimed that Lynx and Opera already use this distinction.
For images without alt
attributes Lynx shows the filename and
Opera displays "Image", but neither show anything for images with empty alt
It is still somewhat questionable whether this distinction is actually useful
and whether or not browsers can realistically make such a distinction with
real world content, and that is certainly open to debate if you have further
evidence to provide.
It has been suggested that taking away the unconditional requirement for the alt
will affect the ability of validators to notify authors of their mistakes and
take away a useful tool for promoting accessibility. However, using validation
errors as an accessibility evangelism tool is not necessarily the only, nor
the best, way to address the issue.
While it is indeed very useful for authors to know when they have mistakenly
omitted an alt
attribute, attempting to unconditionally enforce
their use, using a tool as blunt as a validator, is counter productive since
it encourages the use of poor quality, automatically generated text. Besides,
nothing will prevent conformance checkers and authoring tools from notifying
authors, if they so desire.
No practical accessibility benefits are lost by conceding the fact that you
cannot force everyone to provide alternate text and making the alt attribute
optional for the purpose of document conformance. No-one is claiming that conformance
to HTML5 equates to conformance with accessibility requirements. There are
lots of things that are considered technically conforming in HTML, yet still
inaccessible if used poorly. Making alt technically optional doesn't stand
in the way of accessibility requirements, nor greatly impact upon accessibility
evangelism. It just acknowledges the reality of the situation in the hope of
reducing the prevalence of poor quality, automatically generated alt
Posted in Browsers, Elements, Processing Model | 46 Comments »
Wednesday, June 27th, 2007
This is a Polish translation of Feed Autodiscovery, translated by Sebastian Snopek.
Ostatnio dodali?my typy linków do HTML 5. W szczególno?ci zdefiniowali?my mechanizm do automatycznego wykrywania
kana?u syndykacyjnego. Automatyczne wykrywanie (Autodiscovery)
sta?o si? rozpowrzechnione i szeroko stosowane od momentu swoich narodzin w 2002 roku,
stosuj?c element link
z powi?zaniem alternatywnym
i atrybut type
okre?laj?cym rodzaj kana?u.
<link rel="alternate" type="application/atom+xml"
href="/feed.atom" title="Atom Feed">
<link rel="alternate" type="application/rss+xml"
href="/feed.rss" title="RSS Feed">
Je?li chodzi o kompatybilno?? wsteczn? musimy zachowa? wsparcie, a szczególnie, zdefiniowa? t? metod?.
Jednak?e, istniej? dwa g?ówne problemy z zastosowaniem powi?za? alternatatywnych
- Kana?y syndykacyjne nie s? koniecznie alternetywn? reprezentacj? strony.
- MIME type nie jest dobrym wyznacznikiem, ?e ?ródlo jest kana?em.
Np.: hAtom stosuje zwyczajny HTML z typem MIME
, jednak dalej
mo?e by? stosowany jako format kana?u syndykacyjnego.
Aby poruszy? t? spraw?, wprowadzili?my nowe powi?zanie kana?u
, które wskazuje
na to, ?e dokument jest kana?em syndykacyjntm. Pozwala to teraz na linkowanie do wielu kana?ów zawieraj?cych tre?ci, które nie s? koniecznie
alternatywnymi wersjami strony.
<link rel="feed" type="application/atom+xml"
href="/feed/comments" title="All comments">
<link rel="feed" type="application/atom+xml"
href="/feed/summaries" title="Article Summaries">
Oznacza to równie?, ?e nie trzeba precyzowa? atrybutu type
, aby link by? rozpoznany jako kana? syndykacyjny, a przegl?darki mog? go nadal pokazywa? na li?cie subskrypcji.
<link rel="feed" href="/feed" title="Articles">
Inn? korzy?ci? jest to, ?e je?li kiedy? pojawi si? nowy format kana?u syndykacyjnego to nie trzeba b?dzie czeka? na aktualizacje przegl?darki nowym typem MIME, aby przgl?darka traktowa?a go jako kana?. Na przyk?ad: je?li czytelnicy twojego kana?u maj? wsparcie mikrofoormatu hAtom, mo?na przeprowadzi? subskripcje dokumentu HTML , który zosta? zalinkowany jako kana?.
<link rel="feed" type="text/html"
href="/feed.html" title="All comments">
Aby zachowa? kompatybilno?? wsteczn?, definicja alternate
mówi, ?e
je?li u?ywa si? go w kombinacji z atrybutem type
z warto?ci? application/rss+xml
lub application/atom+xml to jest on równie? s?owem kluczowym dla kana?u.
S?owo kluczowe kana?u mo?e by? równie? u?ywane w kombinacji z alternate
mówi?c, ?e jest to kana? dla danego dokumentu.
<link rel="feed alternate" type="application/atom+xml"
href="/feed.atom" title="Atom Feed">
Jednak?e, wa?nym jest aby nie myli? tego z tym jak dzia?aj? arkusze alternatywne. Zachowanie rel="alternatywnego arkusza stylów"
jest przypadkiem wyj?tkowym wtedy, gdy u?ycie alternate nie oznacza alternatywnej reprezentacji samego dokumentu. Je?li u?ywa si? go z arkuszem stylów, to warto?? type nie jest równa warto?ci kana?u.
<link rel="alternate stylesheet" type="application/atom+xml"
href="/feed.atom" title="This is not a feed!">
Mozilla ju? raportowa?a bagi zwi?zane z implementacj? nowego powi?zania feed
u a poprawki do rel="alternatywnych arkuszy"
s? planowanie w nowym Firefox 3.0.
Posted in Browsers, Elements | Comments Off on Automatyczne wykrywanie feedów (Polish)