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Table Integrity Checker

Tuesday, November 14th, 2006

I am working on a conformance checking service for (X)HTML5. The service is grammar-based for the most part with RELAX NG as the schema language. Some extra-grammatical constraints are expressed as Schematron assertions. Currently, as a Mozilla Foundation grantee, I am working on writing checkers (in Java) for spec features that cannot (practically or at all) be checked using RELAX NG or Schematron.

In a Web two-point-ohey perpetual beta fashion, I am deploying the new prototype features early to allow testing.

The first non-schema checker prototype is a table integrity checker. Since the table model for (X)HTML5 is now being specified, the prototype is speculatively based on the HTML 4.01 table model and browser behavior. The differences from HTML 4.01 are that colspan='0' is treated as colspan='1' and that headers must refer to th cells. The top left corner of cells is placed in the first available slot on the row, which is browser-compatible but different from what the CSS2 spec says.

The checker emits both warnings and errors. Depending on how the spec turns out, errors may become warnings or vice versa.

Currently, the errors are:

Currently, the warnings are:

The table integrity checker only sees a projection of the document tree that contains nothing but table-significant elements and crazy subtrees of table-significant elements in wrong places are silently pruned. These are dealt with on the RELAX NG level. The table integrity checker assumes that it is being used together with a reasonable schema.

The table integrity checker is also enabled for the HTML 4.01 / XHTML 1.0 presets on the generic side of the service, so testing with today’s content is possible.

There’s a pseudo-schema called which isn’t a schema but a magic URL that causes the system to instantiate the table integrity checker. There’s a pseudo-pseudo-schema called which expands to all pseudo-schemas, but at the moment, there’s only one.

Please let me know if the table integrity checker does not work as advertised.

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