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Archive for March, 2009

The Road to HTML 5: contentEditable

Friday, March 6th, 2009

Welcome back to my semi-regular column, "The Road to HTML 5," where I'll try to explain some of the new elements, attributes, and other features in the upcoming HTML 5 specification.

The feature of the day is contentEditable, by which I mean client-side in-browser "rich text" editing. All major browsers support this now, including Firefox 3, Safari 3, Opera 9, Google Chrome, and Internet Explorer (since 5.5). Of course, the devil is in the details.

In this article:

What is contentEditable?

There are really two attributes involved, designMode and contentEditable. The designMode attribute governs the entire document (i.e. it makes the entire document editable, like a dedicated HTML editor). The contentEditable attribute governs just the element on which it appears, and that element's children -- like a rich text editor control within a page. In fact, that was the original use case: enabling web developers to build rich text editors. There are now a variety of such editors available under various licenses.

Both of these attributes, designMode and contentEditable, were originally designed and implemented by Microsoft in Windows Internet Explorer (5.5, to be exact). There was some superficial documentation on how to use them (so developers could develop rich text editors), but little thought of interoperability. So, no details on all the nitty gritty details of exactly what markup is generated when you press ENTER right here, or what the DOM looks like as you backspace your way through a start tag. Much of this sort of information was later reverse-engineered, and cross-browser support for basic operations is actually quite good. (Browsers still vary widely on the details.) The designMode and contentEditable attributes, and the APIs that drive rich text editors, are implemented in all major browsers, including Firefox, Opera, Safari, Google Chrome, and of course Internet Explorer.

How does it work?

Mark Finkle wrote a nice high-level summary of designMode, and later added a post about contentEditable once it appeared in the Firefox 3 alphas. (That was back in 2007.) Quoting Mark:

Mozilla has a rich text editing system (called Midas) and an API similar to Internet Explorer's. Mozilla, like Internet Explorer, supports the ability to make an entire document editable by setting the designMode property of the document object. Once in design mode, the document can be manipulated using various DHTML commands.

... Firefox 3 is expanding its rich WYSIWYG editing capabilities by adding support for the contentEditable attribute. Setting contentEditable to "true" allows you to make parts of a document editable. ...

The API for interacting with the document is:

Executes the given command.
Determines whether the given command can be executed on the document in its current state.
Determines whether the current selection is in an indetermined state.
Determines whether the given command has been executed on the current selection.
Determines the current value of the document, range, or current selection for the given command.

Once you have an editable document (designMode) or element (contentEditable), you use this set of API calls to issue "commands" on the editable region, and to query the current state of the region. Commands are things like "bold," "italic," "underline," "create a link," "change foreground color," and so on -- all the commands you would expect from a rich text editor. Here's a test page with 36 commands.

In other words, "supporting the contentEditable attribute" is really just the tip of the iceberg. The real compatibility story is written in the commands which are passed to the document.execCommand() function. So which browsers support which commands?

As you can see from Peter's chart, basic stuff like bold, italic, creating links, and changing colors is well-supported across browsers. After that, the compatibility story gets hairy.

A brief and extremely biased timeline of standardization

Reverse-engineering and standardizing contentEditable and its associated APIs was one of the original goals of the WHAT working group, as part of (what at the time was called) "Web Applications 1.0" and is now known as "HTML 5."


The original use case for contentEditable -- building rich text editors -- is alive and well on the web. Cross-browser compatibility can be charitably described as "evolving," but we are long past the point where "only IE can do that fancy rich-text stuff." Standardization through the WHATWG has shaken out numerous interoperability bugs and led to thoughtful consideration of a wide variety of edge cases. Most of these benefits had to be realized through reverse engineering, rather than cooperation, but the work has been done and the web is better for it.

Further reading

Posted in Tutorials | 17 Comments »

The Road to HTML 5: spellchecking

Wednesday, March 4th, 2009

Welcome back to my semi-regular column, "The Road to HTML 5," where I'll try to explain some of the new elements, attributes, and other features in the upcoming HTML 5 specification.

The feature of the day is spell checking, by which I mean client-side in-browser checking of text in standard <textarea> and <input type=text> elements. Several browsers support this out-of-the-box, including Firefox 2 and 3, Safari 3, Opera 9, and Google Chrome. However, each browser has different defaults of which elements get spell-checked, and only a handful allow the web author to suggest whether browsers should offer checking on a particular element.

In this article:

A brief history of the spellcheck attribute

That last bit, by the way, is why this is relevant to HTML 5. Browser features are interesting, but are mostly outside the purview of spec-land. But the idea of a markup hint to suggest turning spell-checking on or off has been bounced around for years. To wit:


Getting down to the technical details, the spellcheck attribute is a bit of an oddball. Most boolean attributes (such as <option selected>) are false if they are absent, true if they are present, and true if they are present with a value the same as the attribute name (e.g. <option selected=selected>). The spellcheck attribute is not like that; instead, it requires an attribute value of either true or false.

So this is valid:

<textarea spellcheck="true">

And this is valid:

<textarea spellcheck="false">

But this is not valid:

<textarea spellcheck>

Browser support

Browser support is currently... limited.

MarkupFirefox 3.0.6Google Chrome 3.2.1Opera 9.62
<input type=text>offer on right-clickno checkcheck as you typeoffer on right-click
<input type=text spellcheck=true>check as you typeno checkcheck as you typeoffer on right-click
<input type=text spellcheck=false>offer on right-clickno checkcheck as you typeoffer on right-click
<input type=text spellcheck> invalidoffer on right-clickno checkcheck as you typeoffer on right-click
<input type=text spellcheck=spellcheck> invalidoffer on right-clickno checkcheck as you typeoffer on right-click
<input type=text spellcheck=on> invalidoffer on right-clickno checkcheck as you typeoffer on right-click
<input type=text spellcheck=off> invalidoffer on right-clickno checkcheck as you typeoffer on right-click
<textarea>check as you typecheck as you typecheck as you typeoffer on right-click
<textarea spellcheck=true>check as you typecheck as you typecheck as you typeoffer on right-click
<textarea spellcheck=false>offer on right-clickcheck as you typecheck as you typeoffer on right-click
<textarea spellcheck> invalidcheck as you typecheck as you typecheck as you typeoffer on right-click
<textarea spellcheck=spellcheck> invalidcheck as you typecheck as you typecheck as you typeoffer on right-click
<textarea spellcheck=on> invalidcheck as you typecheck as you typecheck as you typeoffer on right-click
<textarea spellcheck=off> invalidcheck as you typecheck as you typecheck as you typeoffer on right-click

In other words:

Detecting support for the spellcheck attribute

Browsers that support the spellcheck attribute will always reflect the attribute in the .spellcheck property of the element's DOM node, even if the spellcheck attribute does not appear in the page markup. You can use this to construct a simple test to check whether the browser supports the spellcheck attribute:

if ('spellcheck' in document.createElement('textarea')) {
    alert('browser supports spellcheck attribute');
  } else {
    alert('browser does not support spellcheck attribute');

This will pop up an alert stating "browser supports spellcheck attribute" in Firefox 2 and 3, or an alert stating "browser does not support spellcheck attribute" in Safari 3, Opera 9, Google Chrome, and Internet Explorer.

Note: Internet Explorer will reflect any attribute present in the page markup. If you include a spellcheck attribute on an element and then test whether that element's DOM node contains a .spellcheck property, IE will always return true. The safest way to check is to create a new element in script, like the example above, instead of testing a pre-existing element on your page.


You can start using the spellcheck attribute today, but it only affects the behavior of Firefox. However, it has no adverse effects in other browsers. Be sure to use either spellcheck="true" or spellcheck="false", as these are the only values supported by Firefox (and the only valid values according to the HTML 5 spec as it stands today).

Posted in Tutorials | 9 Comments »