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HTML5 for Web Developers

by Anne van Kesteren in Tutorials

Thanks to Ben Schwarz the WHATWG now hosts an edition of the HTML standard specifically tailored for web developers: HTML5 for Web Developers. It is identical to the HTML standard, but information specific to implementors and not relevant to web developers has been removed. It also uses some CSS to make it look pretty. We hope you like it!

5 Responses to “HTML5 for Web Developers”

  1. You people are just A.W.E.S.O.M.E. Thanks a lot for taking your time and publishing the standards, targeting the developer community. In fact, this is something which developers are looking for since a long time. I think the same insight should continue in the future too. Best of Luck!

  2. Good stuff Anne. This will be a useful document. One minor comment about the CSS style. I find large amount of bold type text hard to read. So I think it should be used to highlight parts of the spec and provide emphasis but not for lots of body copy.



  3. That is great! The specification always looked so technical and was hard to read.
    I’m just wondering, why it’s called “HTML5” again. Didn’t the WHATWG shift back to “HTML” and only the W3C stayed with the “5”?

  4. <device> and the stream API are both very active right now, but it’s hard to grasp what the story is.

    I’d love to see a post here on recent developments. 🙂